Who is Faye Louise?

About me

I am a womans health and lifestyle coach, dedicated to supporting others in finding their version of a healthy and balanced life. I am trained in integrative nutrition and recognise that health is a multi-dimensional concept, not just physical wellness.

My journey started 5 years ago when I found myself depressed, without boundaries, repeating toxic patterns in my life and experiencing multiple physical symptoms. After failing to find effective support from the health care systems available, I started looking elsewhere for answers.

Since then I have been on a journey to heal myself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. After years of looking for the quick fix that will solve all my issues, I realised that the answers were found within me. Building self trust and a deep connection with myself has been the biggest shift for me and is the common denominator throughout my journey. We are conditioned to not trust our inner voice, to silence it and to believe that someone else knows our bodies better than we do.

Now I have the skills and knowledge to guide others on the journey back to themselves. I want to help you to realise that you are your own best healer.

This journey is one of self-discovery, honesty with ourselves, vulnerability and self compassion and it begins when we are ready to stop looking outside ourselves for answers and start taking responsibility for our life and health. It is a lifelong journey that is ever changing and I wish to give you the best step in the right direction.

My approach

My approach is centered around a strong connection to yourself and your intuition, guiding you to self trust. Together we will work through each dimension of health to see where you might be blocked, in order to clear the path to your dream health and life. I aim to leave you with the confidence and knowledge to make changes for the good of your health and wellness. I view health as multidimensional and interconnected, spreading across the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Our sessions will focus on self connection, self discovery, working through blocks and working towards goals that we will set together. I aim to create a safe container that you can come to for support, different perspectives and knowledge. Any information will be given as an invitation, take what you need or what feels true to you. The way I coach puts you in the driver’s seat of your life, I will never claim to know what’s best for you.

With love,

Faye x

Start your journey today.